Webinar: Simulation modelling of Conservation Agriculture practices: Diffusion and trial site uptake variability in the EGP

Tamara Jackson

Conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification (CASI) has been tested extensively within ACIAR SDIP projects. Evaluations based on a set of 400 on-farm trials in 2015 and 2016 at eight locations across the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) are published by multiple sources (Islam et al., 2019; Gathala et al., 2020, 2021).

The Gathala et al. (2021) study reports data and statistical comparisons of labor, machinery, and other input use, yields, costs and returns by plot for farms where conventional and CASI approaches were used. The study found substantial advantages favoring the CASI approach on the trial plots including reduced labor input requirement, cost savings and improved returns net of costs.

Results presented in this webinar use the plot level data underpinning the Gathala et al. (2021) analysis, and applies a simulation approach. The emphasis is on using this analysis as a basis for the consideration of challenges to scaling out the trial site success and achieving broader uptake. This is evaluated by applying alternative assumptions in cost and return simulation that may be representative of circumstances that present challenges to CASI uptake.

Dr Jeff Conor from the University of South Australia will present preliminary results to provide a basis for discussion to shape further simulation and understanding.

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