The Sustainable and Resilient Farming System Intensification (SRFSI) project aims to intensify agricultural production systems for improved livelihoods and sustainability of the alluvial Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP). The EGP span the Indian states of Bihar and West Bengal, Nepal’s eastern Terai plains and north-west Bangladesh.
ACIAR have recently published a Technical Report that synthesises the results of a vast number of SRFSI Phase 1 socioeconomic studies (2012–17), to consider the implications of CASI technologies for scaling and policy.
The report captures the socio-economic settings of the EGP, identifies constraints to sustainable intensification, and defines opportunities for scaling and policy change. This report is an important legacy of the project, in drawing out key lessons in understanding social and economic barriers to target future changes to the system.
These results will be further complemented by continued analysis under the current phase of SRFSI, which will be reported separately in the coming months.
The full publication is available for download here.