Webinar: The private sector investment landscape in the Eastern Gangetic Plains of India

Tamara Jackson

There are multiple constraints to the agricultural sector in the Eastern Gangetic Plains states of Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. All three states rank low in National State Domestic Product at the country level, and contribute less than 13% towards the national business output. As such, they do not rank highly on GDP growth prospects or the ability to attract private sector funding. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on Corporate Social Responsibility funding that will be available in the coming financial years, and reverse migration is impacting the secondary manufacturing sector as well as agricultural productivity in some areas.

Join us to hear from Dr Vikas Goswami, who has a wealth of experience in guiding the sustainability efforts for private sector and development organizations in India. Read her report here, and join the webinar on Thursday 10th September to learn more and discuss the results and implications for the EGP.