To ensure that the regional partnership program on sustainable food systems was guided by a framework for systems analysis, partnership work was coordinated, research outputs synthesized and communicated well, and the program linked with key basin, national and regional policy and dialogue processes.
Developed overall analytical framework to guide the work of ACIAR SDIP and integrate phases 1 and 2
Convened Steering Committee and relevant working groups
Managed coordination, contracts and work planning with all partners
Organised relevant synthesis, systems analysis and dialogue workshops
Identified and responded to key opportunities for policy engagement at basin and regional scales
Guided the development of necessary analytical studies
Engaged in key forums and spaces for supporting informed policy dialogue
Developed communication materials for SRFSI and SDIP
Ensured monitoring and evaluation and reporting to DFAT
ACIAR team (Research Program Manager for Water and Climate (RPM), Program Manager (PM), Project Coordinator (PC))
All project commissioned organisations
A small ACIAR management team worked closely to guide the overall program. This team facilitated the implementation and reporting of ACIAR SDIP activities under the leadership of the RPMs.
The ACIAR management team liaised closely with the Steering Committee for inputs and guidance on the overall strategy for ACIAR SDIP.