As the TADEP projects have progressed, each identified communications as an area that they would like assistance with and investment into. At the 2017 TADEP Annual Meeting it was agreed that TADEP would facilitate a multi-faceted communications initiative which would include capturing early stories of impact and building the communications capacity of the projects.

To assist with both elements, TADEP engaged Conor Ashleigh (visual storyteller and development communications specialist) to create a series of short videos and set of photographs that cover the work of the TADEP projects and also offer communications training and capacity development to interested project teams.

As part of the filming, a range of communications training and capacity development opportunities were offered to each of the projects. The training was offered to either the project team itself or a key partner agency.

Examples of the training options included:

  • Introduction to photography - Learning and practising the top tips involved in how to take better photos with any device.
  • Participatory filmmaking - work with Conor in pre-production, during filming and interviewing and also be involved in the scripting and post-production process.
  • How to identify a good story - Stories are everywhere, but how can we find a good one and know the best way to communicate it.

The Galip Nut project opted to host two days training with a broad range of participants from the NARI Kerevat Research Station. In addition to the topics above, participants requested training in how to create short videos which they planned to use to demonstrate galip nut processing and value-adding techniques. Similarly, the Sweetpotato project opted to host a one day workshop for various staff from FPDA, covering the topics mentioned above.

The ACIAR Country Staff also travelled for components of the filming to build their capacity in identifying and capturing stories of impact.