Here, you will find a wide range of information and data related to ACIAR collaborative programs and projects.

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Triangles in different shades of green.

ACIAR project leaders and teams can find out more about adding a site to the ACIAR Research Portal under Project Tools on the ACIAR website.

Two women dressed in colourful saris smile at the camera
Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP)

SDIP aimed to improve the management of water, energy, and food resources in three Himalayan river basins (Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra), focussing on benefits for women and girls.

Hands hold cocoa beans
Transformative Agriculture and Enterprise Development Program (TADEP)

The Transformative Agriculture and Enterprise Development Program (TADEP) is a multidisciplinary research program that aims to improve the livelihoods of rural men and women in Papua New Guinea. The program is co-funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

Mangos neatly arranged in a basket and mango trees in the background.
ACIAR Southern Vietnam Mango Supply Chain Project

This project aimed to improve the net income and livelihoods of mango farming smallholders by increasing the competitiveness of selected mango value chains in two provinces in southern Vietnam.

image shows a person pointing at scales weighing a mango.
Mango Agribusiness Research Program

The Mango Agribusiness Research Program supported a regional development outcome to help smallholder farmers and mango industry stakeholders in ACIAR partner countries and Australia derive greater income and livelihood benefits from the production and sale of mango and mango products.

A man standing at the beginning of a road.
Gender equitable agricultural extension through institutions and youth engagement in Papua New Guinea

A joint collaboration between the University of Canberra, the Pacific Adventist University, and the East New Britain Women and Youth in Agriculture Cooperative Societies Association. 

A young man sits on a pile of onions
Aik Saath - The ACIAR program in Pakistan

ACIAR's program in Pakistan, also known as Aik Saath aims to achieve more productive and sustainable agricultural systems, for the benefit of both Pakistan and Australia, through research partnerships.

Mobile Acquired Data (MAD)

MAD technologies can provide feedback to end users (e.g. farmers) allowing better relationships with communities and greater research impact.

Digitisation of paper-based surveys provides an opportunity to renew discussions on research design.

Eastern Indonesia Agribusiness Development Opportunities (EI-ADO)

EI-ADO (Analysing Agribusiness Development Opportunities in Eastern Indonesia) is a series of agribusiness value chain studies funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Rapid Cooking Bean Project
Rapid Cooking Bean Project

This project aims to deliver new genotypes of common bean with 30% shorter cooking time, 15% higher iron and 10% higher zinc content than current varieties, and to train African plant breeders in a new rapid method of plant breeding based on optimal mating designs. 

Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program
Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program

The program analyses the socio-economic conditions under which improved technology and market booms in commercial crops such as cassava can be harnessed to increase the profitability and sustainability of smallholder farming systems in Mainland Southeast Asia and thereby contribute to poverty reduction.

Landcare—an agricultural extension and community development model at district and national scale in Fiji

Testing whether a Landcare approach, using the Livelihood Improvement through Facilitator Extension (LIFE) model, can be adapted from one country context to another to facilitate improved climate change resilience, management of natural resources, agricultural productivity and gender equality.