Since 1993
ACIAR Cassava Value Chain and Livelihood Program
The program consists of two interlinked projects
Developing cassava production and marketing systems to enhance smallholder livelihoods in Cambodia and Lao PDR ASEM/2014/053
Developing value-chain linkages to enhance the adoption of profitable and sustainable cassava production systems in Vietnam and Indonesia AGB/2012/078
The program analyses the socio-economic conditions under which improved technology and market booms in commercial crops such as cassava can be harnessed to increase the profitability and sustainability of smallholder farming systems in Mainland Southeast Asia and thereby contribute to poverty reduction.
There are considerable opportunities to increase the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of the cassava industry through better value-chain linkages between smallholders and industry actors that can deliver the dual objectives of industry development and economic growth, on the one hand, and livelihood security and poverty reduction, on the other. This requires that core value-chain actors are well linked, that they have strong connections to supporting networks and services, and that the institutional framework creates an environment conducive to smallholder development.