The research focus is on the sustainable governance of animal health, as well as socially inclusive opportunities for enhanced cooperation.
The project adopts a One Health lens to look at animal health cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, a region which has suffered from numerous animal health emergencies over the past decades.

IPI-SAHC has four aims:
- Reframe animal health governance as a sustainable development priority.
- Mainstream gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in animal health governance.
- Identify opportunities to engage small scale farmers and community animal health care workers in One Health.
- Report back to stakeholders to ensure research leads to action.

Project Case Studies
The project will identify the opportunities for strong governance partnerships at the regional, national and community levels. Case studies in Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines will look at:
- Regional governance frameworks in place to support local and national governments integrate One Health upstream prevention practices.
- National government actions and investments in the small-scale animal health farming as a One Health primary prevention priority.
- Community knowledge mapping and engagement in prevention practices concerning animal health disease.