ACIAR gender videos

A compilation of ACIAR's videos following programs incorporating gender equity and women's empowerment.

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a women feeds her chooks
Blazing a trail for women in tree breeding

Dr Nghiem Quyen Chi has been part of the ACIAR forestry team in Vietnam since the early 2000’s when she was a junior researcher. Dr Chi leads the tissue culture program at the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences’ (VAFS) Institute of Forest Tree Improvement and Biotechnology where she remains actively involved with ACIAR’s forestry program in Vietnam.

ACIAR SDIP - Sulochana's story

In the North Indian state of Bihar, a group of farmers hold a meeting in Uday Nagar village. Dressed colourfully and sitting in a circle, many have travelled from neighbouring villages to attend the regular gathering.

Thirty-year-old mother of two Sulochana Devi isn’t the tallest nor loudest, yet she captures the others’ attention as she speaks. Over the past few years Sulochana has emerged as a champion of conservation agriculture in her community.

Supporting Women's Economic Empowerment in Vietnam ACIAR Project

In this video Australian chef Luke Nguyen travels to Lao Cai, a mountainous province in the northern region of Vietnam, to see how Australian Aid supports local people and improves their livelihood. This project helps local women grow clean, safe vegetables and access more markets so they can increase their income.